acting studio
In order to be a real actor, one must be a real [hu]man. A real [hu]man can be an actor and a real actor can be a
[hu]man. Everyone should try to be an actor. This is a high aim.
G.I Gurdjieff
characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected
and explicable only by reference to the whole
Living Acting Studio provides tools for living and acting in the 21st century.
The studio employs a holistic & Integrative approach to contemporary acting training & coaching which sees successful acting and optimal living as interrelated and mutually beneficial processes.
Pedagogical Framework & Principles
The training is built upon three pillars of inter-dependent and ever-evolving principles;
Presence, Play & Action, each comprised of its own key areas of study.
These principles are encountered individually and concurrently to form a continuum around your developing process.
This means that in a class or workshop the focus or point of entry may begin in any one of these areas as a gateway into all three.
The aim is to guide and support you in becoming a whole and fully integrated living actor-creator.
Please note all teaching is delivered through English
be & feel
"If you forget yourself, you become the universe."
- Hakuin
​Tuning your instrument: Warm-up
Ritualising the Work Space
Relaxation & Creative Calm
Spontaneity within a structure.
Physical & Vocal Centring & Release
Being is Doing. Neutrality & Homeostasis
Accessing primary impulse and organic action.
Absorption of circumstances through the 5 Senses
Reciprocity: Giving & Receiving
Observation & Perception
Circular Concentration & Directed Attention.
Self with Self & Self with Others
Stage & Screencraft fundamentals.
relate & respond
"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity"
- Carl Jung
Free play & open improvisation
Theatre Games
Improvisation within a Structure
Physicalising Memory & Imagination
Relationship & Reciprocity
Exploring the 'What If' in the Given Circumstances
Character Play
Animal Studies
Expressive Movement
Impulse & Action
Working with Objects
Ensemble Building
Rhythm & Musicality
‘What Is’ meets ‘What if’.
perform & transform
An act hath three branches—it is to act, to do, to perform."
- Shakespeare
Text Analysis
Active Analysis
Character Analysis
Scene Study
Dramatic Structure
Scoring a role.
Action, Intention & Justification
Physical Action
Vocal Action
Verbal Action
Action through Song
Generating an Acting Score
Working creative repetition: For the first time every time.
Working with Obstacles
Working with objects, garments & activities
Advanced Stage & Screencraft.